Hotel Александровский
Street Mykilska, 25, tel. +380(51)248-95-83 morepoolprice unknown
Hotel Aleksandrovsky is located in the central part of Nikolaev, 550 meters from the embankment. The hotel is located in an old building, which is a monument of architecture. Guests are offered...Hotel Золотой Фазан
Mykolaiv, Street Navarynska, 8, tel. +380(51)237-94-19 morepoolprice unknown
Hotel "Golden Pheasant" is a private comfortable hotel located in the center of Nikolaev. Location in the business and cultural center, close to historical monuments and convenient transportation,...Hotel Николаев
Avenue Tsentralnyy, 107, tel. +380(51)253-06-00 morepoolprice unknown
Hotel and restaurant complex "Nikolaev" is located in the heart of the cultural, historical and business part of the city. The hotel offers a range of services for a comfortable and full stay. The...Hotel Ингул
Street Адмиральская, 34, tel. +380(51)253-55-57 morepoolprice unknown
The hotel and restaurant complex "Ingul" is located in the center of Nikolaev and is a 5-storey building. Guests are offered accommodation in one of 47 rooms, each of which is equipped with...Гостинично-развлекательный комплекс Рыбачий Стан
Mykolaiv, Avenue Heroiv Ukrainy, 4/15, tel. +380(51)259-39-24 morepoolprice unknown
Гостинично-развлекательный комплекс Рыбачий Стан located in Mykolaiv, Avenue Heroiv Ukrainy. Today this business has following schedule around the clock.Мини-отель Цезарь
Transportnyi Lane, 6, tel. +380(51)234-11-23 morepoolprice unknown
Мини-отель Цезарь located in Mykolaiv, Transportnyi Lane. Today this business has following schedule around the clock.Hotel Palace Ukraine
Mykolaiv, Avenue Tsentralnyy, 57, tel. +380(51)258-27-00 morepoolprice unknown
Hotel Palace Ukraine located in Mykolaiv, Avenue Tsentralnyy.Санаторий Ингул
Avenue Heroiv Ukrainy, 6а, tel. +380(51)242-36-11 morepoolprice unknown
Санаторий Ингул located in Mykolaiv, Avenue Heroiv Ukrainy. Today this business has following schedule around the clock.L-fitness
Avenue Tsentralnyy, 67, tel. +380(51)247-10-84 morepoolprice unknown
L-fitness located in Mykolaiv, Avenue Tsentralnyy. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 07:30 to 22:00.Grand
Avenue Tsentralnyy, 265/6, tel. +380(51)255-56-76 morepoolprice unknown
Grand located in Mykolaiv, Avenue Tsentralnyy. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 21:00.Фитнес клуб Grand
Mykolaiv, Avenue Tsentralnyy, 265/6, tel. +380(51)255-56-76 morepoolprice unknown
Фитнес клуб Grand located in Mykolaiv, Avenue Tsentralnyy. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 21:30.Hotel Каравелла
Street Terasna, 13, tel. +380(51)244-75-44 morepoolprice unknown
Hotel Каравелла located in Mykolaiv, Street Terasna. Today this business has following schedule around the clock.
A brief overview of pool in Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv Oblast)
This page contains all the companies that provide the service pool, located in Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv Oblast). Locator knows about twelve companies like this near this place among them Hotel Александровский, Hotel Золотой Фазан, Hotel Николаев and other , which are located on st. Mykilska, st. Navarynska, ave. Tsentralnyy and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews on the companies that provide the service pool.
How many pool in Mykolaiv?
According to Locator data in Mykolaiv operates 12 pool.
Which pool are best in Mykolaiv?
Locator recommends to visit the following pool in Mykolaiv: Hotel Александровский, Hotel Золотой Фазан, Hotel Николаев.
Where are the nearest pool in Mykolaiv to me?
To find out which pool is closest to you, go to the pool in Mykolaiv page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.
What are the prices for pool services in Mykolaiv?
Prices for pool services in Mykolaiv depend on the specific service and pool. Locator allows all pool to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific pool page.
Which pool services in Mykolaiv are better to use?⭐
We recommend that you contact pool, which has a high rating according to Locator: Hotel Александровский, Hotel Золотой Фазан, Hotel Николаев.
How to contact these pool?
You can see the contacts for communication with these pool pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.